Bambi is a brick.
I believe it was the great Lady Gaga who once said “I’ve learned love is like a brick. You can build a haus. Or, sink a dead body. Judas, Judah ah ah (2x)”
This is, of course, from the seminal “Judas” off of her sophomore effort, The Fame Monster, but its meaning artfully cuts to the particular duality shared by love & bricks.
“Build a haus. Or, sink a dead body.” Love and bricks. You and me. And we, every one of us (yes I’m including you)… is a brick. Each of us a little clay miracle of creation and destruction. What, do you suppose is possible with deliberate and maybe painful action and effort, together? What do we make? What do we dismantle?
We, you and I, together are brick walls and Stonewalls so strong that no Big Bad Wolf can blow us down.
We, you and I, together are a cobbled together yellow brick road that leads to a shared imagined future.
We, you and I, together are the very bricks sometimes torn from the foundation and thrown in desperation and defiance.
haus of bambi is a haus made of bricks. We, you and I, together. Because you can’t spell haus without “Ha? Us.” *winkie face lol